After the Warsaw Gallery Weekend

After the Warsaw Gallery Weekend

And yet another weekend is over. A gallery weekend this time. Warsaw Gallery Weekend showed that Warsaw may be a decent centre of modern art. 17 galleries took part in this year’s edition of WGW.There were exhibitions, events and quite a crowd of visitors. Awesome. The BWA Gallery organised the Alphaville exhibition (the title refers to the film by Jean-Luc Godard) in the ruins of the Koszyki Indoor Marketplace. The curators and artists reacted adequately to the place and its situation – there is a reflection upon the city of the future, where art loses to technology. While waiting for the new investor to restore the historic indoor marketplace (we wish!) and to supposedly improve the area by adding some office buildings, till the end of the year anyone can enter the Koszyki Indoor Marketplace and see the exhibition. It’s worth noticing the beautiful banner by Jarosław Fliciński. Usually banal, clichéd and marring all Polish cities, the banner gains a completely new meaning – it covers and uncovers at the same time, it raises curiosity, which gives purely aesthetic pleasure. The banner by Fliciński is like a huge abstract painting.


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